Inherits: Ownable, UUPSUpgradeable, IWave
Author: 📯📯📯.eth
State Variables
INounsDAOLogicV4 public nounsGovernor;
IERC721Checkpointable public nounsToken;
bytes32 private __creationCodeHash;
IIdeaTokenHub public ideaTokenHub;
Since delegations can be revoked directly on the Nouns token contract, active delegations are handled optimistically
Delegation[] private _optimisticDelegations;
Declared as uint16
type to efficiently pack into storage structs, but used as uint256
or bytes32
when used as part of create2
deployment or other function parameter
Identifier used to derive and refer to the address of Delegate proxy contracts
uint16 private _nextDelegateId;
function initialize(
address ideaTokenHub_,
address nounsGovernor_,
address nounsToken_,
uint256 minSponsorshipAmount_,
uint256 waveLength_,
string memory uri
) public virtual initializer;
May only be called by the Wave's ERC1155 Idea token hub at the conclusion of each 2-week wave
Pushes the winning proposal onto the nounsGovernor
to be voted on in the Nouns governance ecosystem
Checks for changes in delegation state on nounsToken
contract and updates Wave recordkeeping accordingly
function pushProposals(IWave.Proposal[] calldata winningProposals)
returns (IWave.Delegation[] memory delegations, uint256[] memory nounsProposalIds);
The Nouns ERC721Checkpointable implementation only supports standard EOA ECDSA signatures and thus
does not support smart contract signatures. In that case, delegate()
must be called on the Nouns contract directly
Simultaneously creates a delegate if it doesn't yet exist and grants voting power to the delegate in a single function call. This is the most convenient option for standard wallets using EOA private keys
function delegateBySig(WaveSignature calldata waveSig) external;
Delegation to must have been performed via a call to the Nouns token contract using either the
or delegateBySig()
function, having provided the correct Delegate address for the given ID
Updates this contract's storage to reflect delegations performed directly on the Nouns token contract
function registerDelegation(address nounder, uint256 delegateId) external;
As the constructor argument is appended to bytecode, it affects resulting address, eliminating risk of DOS vector
Deploys a Delegate contract deterministically via create2
, using the _nextDelegateId
as salt
function createDelegate() public returns (address delegate);
Computes the counterfactual address for a given delegate ID whether or not it has been deployed
function getDelegateAddress(uint256 delegateId) public view returns (address delegate);
Intended for offchain devX convenience only; not used in a write capacity within protocol
Returns the delegateId
for a given delegate address by iterating over existing delegates to find a match
function getDelegateId(address delegate) external view returns (uint256 delegateId);
Returns either an existing delegate ID if one meets the given parameters, otherwise returns the next delegate ID
function getDelegateIdByType(uint256 minRequiredVotes, bool isSupplementary) public view returns (uint256 delegateId);
Name | Type | Description |
minRequiredVotes | uint256 | Minimum votes to make a proposal. Must be more than current proposal threshold which is based on Nouns token supply |
isSupplementary | bool | Whether or not to search for a Delegate that doesn't meet the current proposal threshold |
Name | Type | Description |
delegateId | uint256 | The ID of a delegate that matches the given criteria |
Typecasts and returns the next delegate ID as a uint256
function getNextDelegateId() public view returns (uint256 nextDelegateId);
Returns a suitable delegate address for an account based on its voting power
function getSuitableDelegateFor(address nounder) external view returns (address delegate, uint256 minRequiredVotes);
Returns the current minimum votes required to submit an onchain proposal to Nouns governance
function getCurrentMinRequiredVotes() public view returns (uint256 minRequiredVotes);
Returns all existing Delegates with voting power below the minimum required to make a proposal Provided to improve offchain devX; returned values can change at any time as Nouns ecosystem is external
function getAllPartialDelegates() external view returns (uint256 minRequiredVotes, address[] memory partialDelegates);
Returns the number of existing Delegates currently eligible to make a proposal
function numEligibleProposerDelegates() public view returns (uint256 minRequiredVotes, uint256 numEligibleProposers);
Returns all existing Delegates currently eligible for making a proposal Provided to improve offchain devX: returned values can change at any time as Nouns ecosystem is external
function getAllEligibleProposerDelegates()
returns (uint256 minRequiredVotes, uint256[] memory eligibleProposerIds);
Delegation array in storage is optimistic and should never be relied on externally
function getOptimisticDelegations() public view returns (Delegation[] memory);
Convenience function to facilitate offchain development by computing the delegateBySig()
for a given signer and expiry
function computeNounsDelegationDigest(address signer, uint256 delegateId, uint256 expiry)
returns (bytes32 digest);
Returns the id of the first delegate ID found to meet the given parameters To save gas by minimizing costly SLOADs, terminates as soon as a delegate meeting the critera is found
function _findDelegateId(uint256 _minRequiredVotes, bool _isSupplementary) internal view returns (uint256 delegateId);
Name | Type | Description |
_minRequiredVotes | uint256 | The votes needed to make a proposal, dynamic based on Nouns token supply |
_isSupplementary | bool | Whether or not the returned Delegate should accept fewer than required votes |
Returns an array of delegation IDs that violated the protocol rules and are ineligible for yield
function _disqualifiedDelegationIndices() internal view returns (uint256[] memory);
Returns true for delegations that violated their optimistically registered parameters
function _isDisqualified(address _nounder, address _delegate, uint256 _votingPower)
returns (bool _disqualify);
Deletes Delegations by swapping the non-final index members to be removed with members to be preserved
function _deleteDelegations(uint256[] memory _indices) internal;
Sorts array of indices to be deleted in descending order so the remaining indexes are not disturbed via resizing
function _sortIndicesDescending(uint256[] memory _indices) internal pure returns (uint256[] memory);
function _setOptimisticDelegation(Delegation memory _delegation) internal;
Returns true when an active proposal exists for the delegate, meaning it is ineligible to propose
function _checkForActiveProposal(address delegate) internal view returns (bool _noActiveProp);
References the Nouns governor contract to determine whether a proposal is in a disqualifying state
function _isEligibleProposalState(uint256 _latestProposal) internal view returns (bool);
Computes a counterfactual Delegate address via create2
using its creation code and delegateId
as salt
function _simulateCreate2(bytes32 _salt, bytes32 _creationCodeHash)
returns (address simulatedDeployment);
function _authorizeUpgrade(address) internal virtual override;